Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Smarttech's Equipment - Smart or not so Smart?

With the new launch of Windows 7 and Smarttech releasing its new document cameras and wireless slates, one would think the combination of both technologies would make the life of a classroom teacher easier. However, I have found it to be just the opposite. It seems that Smarttech's new equipment, which does look to be much sturdier than its predecessors, is not as user friendly as the older equipment. Unlike the older model of the document camera, where a teacher can virtually "plug and play," the new one requires a software download. Although it does have more features, I have found the installation of the software to be tedious and not "user friendly" - at least when downloading on a network.

I wish I could comment more about the wireless slates, but I haven't been able to get one to work yet. Therefore, I would appreciate some insight on the new wireless slates and how they have been working out in your school.

I guess the question that has yet to be answered is whether or not the issue has something to do with Windows 7. My biggest problem with PC's/ Windows is that they do not seem to converse with the many companies that design software for PC's - or at least that seems to be the case! Or maybe I am just bitter because I prefer Apple :)

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